Getting Involved With Your Child’s Day Care


Every parent knows how difficult it is to send your little one to child day care for the first time, this is why we at Parkland Children’s Academy encourage our parents getting involved with your child’s day care to make it easier for you and your kid.

Why get involved?
Parents play a vital role in the overall experience of child day care – whether it is their interactions with the teachers and admin staff, becoming a part of the day care’s community, keeping tabs on their kids (for their own peace of mind, or just helping their child enjoy and flourish in the environment we create. There are benefits for all parties involved:

  • Children whose parents become involved in their child day care settle into school easier, perform better, and feel valued and important.
  • Parents who become involved with their child day care will find that there is less stress and anxiety about their child’s experience and education, build positive relationships with teachers, have more input in their child’s education, and are able to raise concerns or talk about problems with teachers easier.
  • Teachers benefit from parent involvement as their levels of stress are greatly diminished when parent/teacher relationships work in unison, they are able to accommodate for the needs of each child, and their job satisfaction increases significantly.

How to get involved
As a progressive, family-run child day care, we at Parkland Children’s Academy promote your involvement at any opportunity.

  • You can get involved on our website in the Parents Corner
  • Log on to see real-time video footage of your child through our web-cam
  • We also have an open-door policy where you can join your child in any of our activities – lunchtime, play time, field trips etc.
  • We encourage open lines of communication and will keep you updated on your child’s progress on a daily basis
  • Participate in as many activities, meetings, and conferences as possible
  • Talk to your child about their day and their experiences at child day care – the more interested you are, the more enthusiastic they will be about it
  • If there is anything that you think your child’s teacher will need to know, if there are any problems, or if you have any concerns you should contact your child’s day care to talk about it – this will keep everybody who is involved in caring for your child up-to-date and on the same page.

The benefits of getting involved in your child’s day care are extraordinary and with Parkland Children’s Academy it has never been easier or more enjoyable. So be sure to enhance your, your child’s, and their educator’s child day care experience and get involved!

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