Family Run Childcare

family run childcare center
When you are looking for childcare providers for your children there is no better place than a family run childcare center, such as the Parkland Children’s Academy. You want to know that you are leaving your children in the best care possible and with a family run childcare provider, you know that we already have a close family and are ready to treat your children as honorary members.

At Parkland Children’s Academy we want all children who attend our academy to have a strong sense of belonging. Each individual will feel like they belong in our academy family and we encourage a strong sense of individualism and acceptance, in addition to fostering the skills and knowledge your children will need to be successful in life.

We are childcare providers who believe in bringing our strong family values to the lunch table as well. Your child will be served a well-balanced, hot lunch, where we all eat together and good manners and proper eating habits will be cultivated and encouraged. This practice also takes the worry away of having to prepare a healthy lunch for your child everyday, as we take care of that for you!

All of the instructors at the Parkland Children’s Academy are experienced and have the proper credentials. As childcare providers, they not only take good care of your children, but also teach the age-appropriate curriculum, placing a strong emphasis on early literacy.

So if you are looking for childcare providers for your children, ages 1 through 5, then the family run Parkland Children’s Academy should be your first stop. While we will ensure your children learn all of the skills and knowledge they need before they start school, we will do it in a way, and in an environment, that reflects the values of our family.

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