Children’s Academy Tips: How To Child-Proof Your Home

Children's Academy

Most parents are pretty confident that they’ve fully childproofed their homes. That may not always be the case and chances are that something was accidentally missed. With accidents being the leading cause of death among young children, it’s critical to keep them out of harm’s way. Parkland Children’s Academy has put together tips to childproof your home so you can prevent accidents and potential tragedies.

Cabinet Locks

The last thing you want is for your child to open kitchen and bathroom cabinets that may contain hazardous products. The best thing to do is secure your cabinets, and one of the popular options is an external lock or an interior latch that screws into your cabinets.

Stove Guard

The stove burners are hot when cooking and can be dangerous for children. Your child can turn on burners or even get burned by food that’s that you’re cooking on the stove. Stove guards can help keep your child away from the stove.

Secure Doors with Door Knob Covers

It’s important to keep your child out of rooms that are not childproofed. You should place door knob covers on every door that leads out of your home. They should also be placed on closet doors, bathroom doors, and any other room door that you don’t want your child to enter. With door knob covers, it will be difficult for your child to turn, grip, and open doors.

Make Sure Candles and Matches Are Out of Reach

If you have candles in any of the rooms in your home, it’s important to make sure they’re out of reach. Your child can accidentally light a match and ignite a fire. Also, if your child grabs a hold of a candle and starts chewing on it, they can choke on the wax. It’s a good idea to use LED candles as an alternative.

TV Should Be Mounted

Children may sometimes try to climb a TV stand, and if that happens, the TV can fall on them. Whenever possible, make sure that your TV is securely mounted to the wall. TV mounting kits are sold at most electronic retailers.

Make Sure You Have Windows Guards and Cordless Blinds

If you have any windows that sit low to the ground, it’s important to have a guard installed. Also, windows should only be able to be opened by the size of an adult fist. When it comes to blinds, children can be strangled if their neck gets caught in the loop cord. You can prevent this from happening by purchasing cordless blinds.

Lock the Dishwasher

One of the major dangers of an unlocked dishwasher is a child ingesting detergent. If your dishwasher does not have a lock setting, try an appliance lock. Make sure dishes are not left in the dishwasher for long periods and knives are stored with the blades down.

Microwave Is Not in Reach

If you have a countertop microwave, do not walk away after turning it on if your child is in the kitchen. Your child should not be nearby when taking out hot beverages or food. The best recommendation is to mount the microwave up high whenever possible.

Toiletries Should Be Out of Reach

An inquisitive child may climb on the bathroom counter to reach certain items. Even items that you think are harmless can actually be fatal. Make sure products are locked away in a childproof medicine container or with a magnetic latch.

Parkland Children’s Academy: Top Quality Infant Care

As you watch your children grow, they may become curious when it comes to their surroundings. Once your children are crawling or walking, it’s important to make sure they don’t have access to items or areas that could be dangerous. At Parkland Children’s Academy, your child’s safety is our top priority. To learn more about our facility, contact us at (954) 688-5877 today.

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