Creating a Safe Preschool

safe preschool

Across the globe, growing up in a safe environment has become a luxury, more than the norm. If individuals must take special measures to ensure security of their homes, the same special measures should be expected from establishments who are responsible for the care of these folks most precious possessions – their children. Safe preschools can be hard to come by these days, and it is up to the parents to educate themselves on what the standard safety protocols are, so they can make an informed choice.

What to Look for in a Safe Preschool

The harsh reality is that anything can happen. Life is unpredictable and we all know it, but each of us can make a difference in how circumstances pan out, just by being prepared. As parents you have the right to make sure your child’s preschool is a place that balances your child’s nurturing needs and skill development along with excellent security measures and crisis management protocol. You can do this by looking out for the following key areas:

    • Accessibility

      If the preschool premises are easily accessible to you, it may be too easily accessible to strangers too. There must be a point of entry and exit that requires a certain amount of screening. This is to ensure that no child leaves the premises with someone that is not their parent or guardian or manages to “escape” and run off on his/her own. Access points must be monitored and secured always. Are the exit doors properly locked? If this is not the case, you have the right to question it.

    • Accredited and Qualified Staff

      No one in their right mind would go to a wannabe doctor for medical treatment. Neither should anyone send their child to a preschool where the caregivers or teachers do not have the proper qualifications and accreditation. Are each of the staff members certified First Aiders? Are they trained to perform CPR? Also, are there enough staff members to accommodate the number of preschoolers or are they understaffed? Qualified preschool teachers are a vital point to consider when meeting with possible establishments.

    • Classroom Safety

      When looking at preschool classrooms, it’s easy to get distracted by the vibrant and cute décor, but when dealing with tiny humans you must be aware of things that could be hazardous to their wellbeing. Are there plug points within reach of toddlers and are they covered correctly? The general layout of desks, tables and chairs, are they arranged in a way that is safe or harmful to your children? How clean are the classrooms? Are there sharp objects lying around? What do their storage systems look like? Are their toys potentially toxic? Are the classrooms overcrowded with kids? At Parkland Children’s Academy we pride ourselves in having certified and quality staff. As well as a toxin-free playground.

    • Emergency Precautions and Preparations

      Does the preschool have an emergency plan in place? Do they run fire-drills on a regular basis? Are staff members trained for these types of drills? As a parent it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the environment that your child will be left in for hours at a time, while you are at work. Check out their building and ask where the fire extinguishers are if you don’t see them. Have a look to see if they have smoke alarms and detectors. If they don’t, find out what they do have or what their emergency precautions are. Are they continually investing in upgrading their security? Preschools can now partner with establishments for security training and equipping such as Angel Watch.

    • Playground Safety

      Not only is it important for your child to be safe indoors, but outdoors too. If there is a pool on the premises, is it covered? Is there a locked gate? Is the playground equipment secured properly? Is the equipment age appropriate? Is the area well maintained and secured?

  • Nutrition

    It is always good to make sure that your preschool values nutrition and healthy meals for your growing babies. If preschools are offering meals to your children, you have the right to find out what these meals will look like. A glimpse at their menu is a good way to see what the school’s take on nutrition and healthy meals are. As a parent, if your child is gluten intolerant or suffers for allergies, this is where you can ask questions about alternative meal plans etc. Balanced menus for preschoolers are available online for perusal as well, just to educate yourself on what can be expected.

These are just a few of the areas to investigate when choosing a preschool for your little one. Do your part as a responsible parent and research more. Never be afraid to ask questions and to do your due diligence before deciding. Once you have found the correct fit, then you can feel secured in the knowledge that you are doing your best for your child.

We are a family-oriented preschool that is dedicated to laying solid foundations through education, safety, health and development in a fun and friendly environment. Give us a call today to find out more about Parkland Children’s Academy.

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