Finding the right daycare for your kids

daycare for kids

Finding the right daycare for your kids can be a challenging experience, but when you choose Parkland Children’s Academy, we will be able to set your mind at ease. Enrolling your children into our program at Parkland Children’s Academy is the best decision you can make. We take pride in being an excellent early education choice that will shape the way your children develop and how they view school and learning.

The early years, from birth to five-years-old, are a crucial period of life where the brain develops rapidly in children. The more positive learning experiences your children have at daycare, such as exploration, discovery and creation, will impact the way their brain develops.

Our daycare offers a low child-to-teacher ratio and all of our teachers are well-trained, competent and nurturing to the children. We also work closely with the parents to build an understanding of the cultural beliefs and routines that are created in your home so we can help your children build off of these experiences at daycare.

At the Parkland Children’s Academy, we place a high importance on fitness and encourage physical activity in children and good nutrition. We also recognize that parents are highly concerned about the safety of their children when they are at daycare, and that is why we have soft flooring, the industry’s safest and strongest children’s furniture and a cushioned turf surface on our playground that will eliminate injuries and splinters from wood chips. We are dedicated to keeping your children safe.

Our daycare also has the added feature of allowing you to view your children from your home or office via a web cam. We have security measures in place, which include fingerprinting on a touch screen, before picking up your child.

Our age-appropriate daycare curriculum provides ongoing assessments that will monitor your children’s interests, needs and their progress. You won’t regret sending your children to daycare at Parkland Children’s Academy. Our experience and knowledgable staff will work hard to give your children the tools they need in their early years to develop and grow. Your children’s wellbeing and education is important to us and we look forward to being your partner in your child’s early development.

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