How to Deal with Fussy Eaters

summer campFeeding Fussy Eaters

Preschoolers are notorious for being fussy with food. Not only are these children being exposed to new tastes and textures, but they are testing their parents’ reactions to see how much they can get away with. In most cases children will grow out of these picky behaviors, but for now there are some things you can do to ensure your child consumes a healthy and balanced diet.

Don’t force your child to eat
It is important to never force your child to eat when he or she is not hungry. Bribing your child to eat certain foods or to finish everything on his or her plate should also be avoided. This may result in your child developing an unhealthy relationship with food. Your child may also then come to associate meal times with anxiety and frustration leading him or her to rely less on hunger pangs, leading to future problems with emotional eating.

Don’t give in
As important as it is not to force your child to eat, it is also vital that you don’t give in to your child’s every whim. All this will do is simply encourage their bad behavior. Rather be firm, but fair. If they refuse to eat broccoli don’t make them waffles instead. Rather give them a little more of everything else and try a new vegetable next time.

Variety is key
Studies have shown that the sooner your child is exposed to a wide variety of foods after weaning, the more likely your child is to accept them. After two years of age only 4% of new foods are accepted by the child. Therefore, be sure to offer your toddler different foods with different textures from a very young age.

Stick to routines
It can be helpful to ensure that meals take place at more or less the same time each day. Keep snacks in between these times to a minimum so that your child doesn’t fill up on food right before a meal time. Also avoid giving your child milk or juice during the day; rather save them for after they have finished their food.

Send them to preschool
When children get to preschool they will be more inclined to try new foods since they won’t be testing their teachers’ limits as they do their parents. Lunch times at preschool can also be a fun and exciting time, which will help your child to relax and enjoy their meal if they have been experiencing tension over their eating habits at home. Most preschools are also very conscious of serving balanced meals so you can be assured that your little one is getting all the nutrients that he or she needs. Additionally, seeing other chil-dren eat new foods will no doubt make them want to try these new foods too.

Always keep in mind that no child will like all the foods you give them. It is natural for children to have both their favorite dishes as well as those they refuse to touch just by looking at them. As long as your child is at a healthy weight and is eating some foods from all the food groups, you needn’t worry too much.

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