Keeping Preschool Children Excited for The Next Year

preschool children

It’s that time of year again, when preschool children are getting ready to go back to preschool, however, not all children are excited to be going back. Some children require a proper mind-set before heading back. Thankfully we have some tips for you which will get your preschool child excited to go back to the new school year.

Tips To Get Your Children Ready For The New School Year

Parkland Children’s Academy offers a family orientated preschool. That’s why we know not all preschool children are ready or excited for the new school year. We have compiled this list of activities which you can do with and for your child to bring the excitement of preschool back.

    • Be A Role Model To Your Child

      Parents are usually the most influential person in a preschool child’s life. This is why you have to take it upon yourself to make sure your child looks up to you and respects you. Your child will unintentionally pick up your behavior, so be sure to be a positive role model for your child.

    • Go Back-To-School Shopping

      This is generally the part most parents dread, having to pay large amounts of money for new clothing, shoes, backpacks, etc. Yet, this is an exciting adventure for preschool children, it creates a sense of engagement and allows your child to slowly get into the mind-set that school is approaching. Remember tax-free weekend allows you to shop for school items without having to pay the sales tax – shoes, clothing and school supplies are all tax-free during this weekend.

    • Decorate Your Child’s School Supplies

      To an adult this might seem like a menial task, yet to a preschool child it’s an adventure. They love interacting and playing, what better way to engage with them than help them put stickers on their favorite book, bag or lunch box. Again, slowly easing them back into the idea that the new school year approaches.

    • School Friends Aren’t Just Friends They See At School

      You should try to arrange play dates for your children with their preschool friends during the summer time. Preschool children often make many friends in preschool and by setting up play dates with their friends you’re facilitating their social growth and making them less anxious and more at ease.

    • Have Your Child Bring A Comfort Toy

      The effects of separation anxiety can burden children but by allowing your preschool child to take along a comfort toy you are essentially giving them a reminder of home. This helps to ease any separation anxiety should your child have, it doesn’t have to be a toy, and it could be their favorite blanket or a photo of you.

    • Routine And Consistency

      You want to start getting your preschool child back into routine a few weeks before preschool starts. Attempt to have their sleeping and eating patterns match that of regular preschool hours. This allows for a smooth transition from vacation mode to back-to-school mode.

  • How To Prepare Your Toddler Emotionally

    It’s important that you communicate with your toddler about preschool if they are able to understand. See how they are feeling about it. If they are anxious about it, visit the preschool playground with them for a sense of familiarity. Validate your child’s fears but don’t pity them for it. Keep a positive attitude whenever discussing school as toddlers can sense your attitude towards the matter and a negative attitude could instill fear.

Parkland Children’s Academy knows that preparing your children for the new school year to come can be a challenging task, though with these tips you should be able to inspire them for the new school year to come during the summer break. Always show a positive attitude and interest towards your child’s education because you are most likely their number 1 role model, by showing excitement about education in general and an interest in their education, you are positively reinforcing the idea of school in their minds. Be sure to keep up to date on the latest preschool information you need to know at the Parkland Children’s Academy blog.

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