Although some find this a controversial topic, there is no denying the depth of access to information at fingertips of our children today. How often are these tools used to our advantage to teach our children valuable skills? What role does fun and games have in teaching or in a classroom?
There is no denying the exponential growth and learning curve children ride through their formative years. It is in this time that their brains are absorbent and easily influenced. The original ideology of teaching was that of quiet strict study. Incorporating ‘fun’ and ‘enjoyment’ as teaching practices was perceived as ‘simple’ or ‘superfluous’ notions or educational tools. This opinion negatively impacted the teachers who supported this form of teaching as they found it discouraging despite their personal positive experiences. Although, this line of thinking has not been completely phased out, there is now scientific evidence on our side so let’s look at some facts surrounding educational games and learn about the true power of play.
There Is Evidence To Support Educational Games As An Effective Teaching Tool
According to the Head of the Lego Foundation Hanne Rasmussen, evidence for play-based learning has practically exploded in the last couple of years – although largely still unrecognized by some formal education systems. Some of her favorite pieces speak about how play aids in the development of creativity, problem-solving and empathy in children of all ages. Rasmussen highlights that it is not malice that holds parents and teachers back but the burden of global competition and economic development and its associated fear – despite the numerous supportive research done on the relevance and importance of play-based teaching.
Another systematic review of a number of studies that used these teaching methods on health professional; it showed an overall improvement in learning and concluded support in both didactic and play-based education as effective teaching tools.
Educational Game Increase Creativity, Problem-Solving And Logic
Expert psychologists from all around the world conducted various studies on forms of teaching, grading the outcomes, (so to speak). They called their study and findings The Power of Play: Four Conclusions. Essentially, they found strongly supported deductions through their work within various styles of teaching and described them in detail, support the use of play in the classroom. The four that they speak of are: pressure to perform well interferes with new learning; pressure to be creative interferes with creativity, inducing a playful mood improves creativity and insight problem solving, a playful state of mind enables young children to solve logic puzzles.
Educational Games Aid In Addressing The Needs Of Kids Who Have Difficulties With Learning
The American Psychological Association emphasize the importance of play-based learning with particular interest in individualized development. They encourage play-based care relevant to each stage of development with adequate understanding of the relationship between neurological development and learning. This is where mismatches between chronicity and educational development can be identified and with the appropriate environments, corrected.
Educational Games Can Address A Broad Range Of Topics
Play-based learning has become such a large part of the education sector that there are many different games targeting different things – together working to improve the skills and performance but with the intention of making the learning experience fun and rewarding. Games focused on hand eye co-ordination, color/pattern/shape recognition, and more are designed games specific for preschoolers. Mathemathics, language, art, science, and logic games are available for slightly older children.
Educational Games Increases Social Interaction And Awareness
There are some studies that have shown both the positive side and negative side to educational games with regards to the social environment. Their research has shown that play-based teaching and the participation and completions of the games themselves helps to create a sense of community within the group – this comfortable and relaxed atmosphere promotes long-term memory storage, understanding of difficult concepts, and critical thinking. Some studies have shown that some children still feel fear of embarrassment or heightened levels of anxiety in these situations; however, these levels are not higher than those expected in a classroom setting.
Here at Parklands Children’s Academy, we believe in the power of play and regularly include play in our preschool curriculum and afterschool programs. We believe that this allows for the best holistic care of our students, promoting physical, emotional, academic and social wellness. If you would like to find out more about the educational game techniques used, or would like to enroll your child in one of our programs, don’t hesitate to contact us today.