Trusting Your Daycare Provider

trusting-your-daycare-providerWe understand how difficult it can be when you need to find a licensed daycare provider for your children. But if children can’t stay home with their Mom or Dad, then the next best thing is the Parkland Children’s Academy.

We are a family-run, licensed daycare provider and we will not only welcome your child at our academy, but we will make sure they are happy, cared for, and taught the necessary skills and knowledge they will need in order to be successful at school…and in life.

Our facility is top notch, with experienced daycare instructors and the latest in technology to help your child learn. For example, you will find a giant Smart Board touch screen, 66” X 46” in our classroom that is a new interactive learning approach at our licensed daycare, allowing children to experience age-appropriate activities.

Our licensed daycare provider also knows how important it is to feel that your children are safe when they are with us at the Parkland Children’s Academy. We do everything possible to keep your child safe, including furnishing our daycare with Jonti-Craft furniture, which is recognized as the strongest and the safest for children. We have rubber flooring inside, which reduces bumps and bruises from any falls that might occur, and we place rubber surface on the playground to eliminate your child getting splinters from wood chips. The rubber surface also works to prevent low impact injuries.

In addition to keeping your children safe as your licensed daycare provider, we also do our best to keep them healthy. While daycares are typically thought of as a place where germs pass quickly back and forth amongst children, our rubber flooring is the same that is used in modern hospitals, because it cannot grow bacteria and there is no need to use harmful chemicals for cleaning.

Finally, you should consider sending your children to our licensed daycare provider because not only is their education, their safety and their health our top priorities, but so is there security. We allow you to view your child at our facility whether you are at home or work, via web cams. You can always check in with us to see how your child is doing. There is also a touch screen that requires fingerprinting in order to gain entry to the Parkland Children’s Academy.

We understand how difficult it can be to trust a licensed daycare provider to care for your children. Parkland Children’s Academy is the daycare you can trust.

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