What to Look For in a Licensed Preschool Provider

Licensed Preschool Provider

How to Find a Licensed Preschool Provider

If you have made the decision to send your child to preschool, then you will likely have a choice of different licensed preschool providers. At the Parkland Children’s Academy, we know you expect a lot out of the preschool center you choose…and you should.

When picking the right licensed preschool provider for your children, there are a number of things you should consider. When you make the right choice, the provider contributes to your child becoming a happy and healthy child, who loves to learn.

Here are a few things to look for when choosing licensed preschool providers:

Experienced, Knowledgeable and Credentialed Teachers — You want to ensure that the licensed provider you choose for has the right teachers. Not only should they have the knowledge and experience to teach your children, but they should also have all the necessary credentials.

If you have a child with a learning or mental disability, it is okay to ask about a teacher’s experience with your child’s specific situation. Whether your child is on the autism spectrum, has ADHD, or is gifted, it is good to know that you have teachers that have that specific experience and/or education to properly work with your child.

Safe Environment — When you are putting your trust in a licensed provider to take good care of your children, you want to know that they are in the safest and most secure environment possible.

Find a licensed preschool provider that provides a safe environment, such as having rubber flooring that will reduce bumps from any falls, and eliminate the growth and spread of bacteria and germs. Some centers have furniture designed specifically for children. It is made strong, and designed to keep children safe. Some centers will use a rubber surface on the playground in order to help your child avoid splinters from wood chips and to prevent low impact injuries.

Another thing to consider when choosing a licensed preschool provider is if they consult with a nutritionist when planning meals to ensure that your children are get healthy food. A good diet will provide children with the tools they need to function and learn.

In this day and age, security is always an issue when choosing a licensed preschool provider. Choose a center that has privacy measures in place at the entrance. For example, the preschool center should require that all visitors be buzzed in, or have a screen that requires fingerprint recognition in order to gain entry. Also, many licensed providers also allow you to check in with your children during the day via web cam technology.

Curriculum — Ask any potential licensed provider about the curriculums in place for the different age groups. You want to find a find a preschool center that offers a hands-on curriculum that encourages play-based learning. You also want to find a center that will monitor your children’s progress and be able to identify growing interests.

A licensed preschool provider that puts an emphasis on physical education is also a plus. The Parkland Children’s Academy partners with the YMCA in order to control obesity in children through physical programs such as basketball, soccer and exercise.

We know it is a big decision to send your children to a licensed preschool. There are some great preschool centers available and you will be able to find one that best suits your family’s needs.

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