Is your Child Kindergarten Ready?

preschool prices

Don’t Let Preschool Prices put You off Having Children

Even though many people plan carefully when they decide to have a child, preschool prices are rarely the top thought in their minds. A tiny baby does not need as much as we think it does, healthy caring parents, love and affection, nourishment and warm cuddling, and babies grow remarkably well on their own. These days the parent who is able to spend quality time with their child for the first few years is very fortunate. It is well known that the early years are most formative, and the better the grounding we can give at this this time, the more likely our children will grow up healthy and happy.

As children reach the kindergarten and preschool age, things become expensive, most parents have to work, either because their lifestyle requires a double income, or they may be the sole breadwinner for their families. Families with more than one child have escalating costs as their children grow, and the pressure is on. You may not believe your child is ready to go to kindergarten, but you may have no choice.

Thank goodness there is respite for Florida based families.

At Parklands Children’s academy there is VPK. This is the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education program that is free for all children of 4 and 5 years old.

Legislation was signed into law by Governor Jeb Bush on January 2, 2005. This law created a program to prepare every Florida four-year-old for Kindergarten and to build a strong foundation for their continued educational success.

Let us help your child become ready for school. The VPK program is a high quality program that teaches children develop better language skills, and prepares them for kindergarten by teaching pre-reading and pre-math skills. Children who are part of this program score higher on school readiness tests and are found to have fewer behavioural problems. Qualified and loving VPK teachers instil a love of learning in children, teach them social skills and give them the confidence they need to make the transition into preschool a happy and exciting one.
The curriculum focuses on reading, writing and social skills, and the options are for one school year or for summer VPK.

Parklands Children’s Academy meets all the high standards required by law;
The instructors have a minimum of a child development associate for the school year program, or a bachelor’s degree in early childhood.

The class sizes do not exceed 20 children in the school year program and 12 children for the summer program.
The ratio is 1 instructor to 11 children.

The VPK program helps children and parents integrate into a preschool which they may not normally be able to afford, allowing parents to save and to make future education more affordable.

Take the stress out of your life and help your child become ready for preschool.

Make enquiries now at as there are specific age criteria as for the VPK program.

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