Preschool Providers: Is Your Child Ready?

preschool providers

Preschool providers have expectations that children need to meet before entering preschool. Children develop at different rates. Some develop faster academically, but lack the emotional and social readiness for preschool. Some might struggle academically, but possess the emotional and social maturity to cope with preschool. Children should have a fair balance of these two traits in order to be ready.

What are some of the skills your child needs to be ready for preschool?

Many preschool providers expect children to have a few basic academic skills before entering preschool. They should be able to write their own name and hold a pencil in the correct manner. Your child should know how to follow 2 – 3 step instructions given to them by someone else. Your child is not expected to be able to read before they enter preschool but they should identify the letters of the alphabet, their colors and basic shapes. Can your child cute with scissors correctly? They should be able to do so as well as count to 10 or more if they can. Your child is not expected to sit still for hours on end but they should be able to sit still and concentrate for short periods of time. Can they follow along in a book and say their name and surname? If they can follow along in a book from left to right and front to back as well as say their name and surname, they are one step closer to being ready.

Is your child emotionally and socially ready to go to preschool?

Does your child get along well with their peers? If yes, you child might be ready for preschool. They should know how to share with others and take turns. These skills take time to perfect but a basic understanding will be enough. Your child should be able be able to identify their feelings and be able to cope in a positive manner instead of becoming.

How to make the transition into preschool easier for your child?

Enthusiasm and excitement about preschool from your child will make the transition a whole lot easier. Ease our child’s anxiety and fears by introducing them to things that will take place in the classroom.  Let your child explore the classroom a few times before school starts to make them familiar with their surroundings. As the parent, you need to be confident with your choice of sending your child to school as your child will pick up in nonverbal cues and be anxious. What to do if your child clings to you? Say a loving goodbye and then leave promptly. Don’t sneak out as this will leave your child feeling abandoned.

What to do if you don’t think your child is ready?

There is no harm in keeping your child back a year if you don’t feel that they are ready. It might actually be a lot more beneficial as children develop at different rates. However, it is important to use this year to gain some of the skills needs for preschool.  You could also find out about transitional schools that look to help those that aren’t developmentally ready for preschool. The focus is more on socialization and basis literacy skills rather than demanding academics. This will help them prepare for preschool and they will be taught all the skills needed to meet the requirements of preschool. It is important to remember that your child is expected to meet the requirements not exceed them so don’t put too much unnecessary pressure on them. It will only have negative effects on your child.

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