Strike the Balance

preschool providersPreschool Providers Provide the Balance

Licensed preschool providers offer many benefits for the development of your child. One that is often overlooked and underestimated is the balance between a child’s academics and playtime. Schoolwork should not become too intense, especially not at a young age. With that being said, playtime should also not consume a child’s day. The benefits of the correct balance between these two are often taken for granted.

Over the years, a child’s time for fun has been diminishing – academic practices such as mathematics and reading have been given much more importance at preschool. Many parents are working parents which may also mean that less playtime is available at home for the children. Here are a few of the benefits of both playtime and academics, as well as why a balance is essential.

The benefits of playtime
The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights has recognized playtime as a right of every child. It is crucial for a preschooler’s development. It enhances their creativity and imagination. Playtime also encourages the development of their cognitive skills (e.g. memory and logic) as well as physical and emotional wellbeing. They also interact with their peers during playtime which means better social and group skills.

Active play helps with physical health and progress. As with all playtime, there is a great opportunity for socializing and working in groups.

The benefits of worktime
Academics help create a routine and structure. The learning that happens in these classrooms sets a foundation for the rest of their schooling and their lives. Children need to be prepared to face the following stages in their education. A moderate focus on academics will set them up to excel later on. Teachers are able to guide this process. Preschoolers learn listening skills as well as how to follow instructions.

Children learn about numbers, letters, words, patterns and problem-solving, to name a few. Academics also provide opportunities in the classroom to interact and socialize with teachers and fellow preschoolers.

The benefits of balance
The opportunity to learn is one that should always be available. Playtime and academics do not have to be separate from each other and a balance between the two is important. A child can still learn extensively outside of academics. For example, during playtime your child can learn how to manage anger and frustrations. They can learn to share and deal with conflict.

Too much focus on academics in preschool can mean a child loses focus and motivation.
Cognitive skills are developed during academics as well as during playtime. Hand-eye coordination and balance are worked on inside and outside the classroom.

A hands on curriculum ensures that children are able to learn various skills through various activities. The learning is individualized and can happen through academic or play-based methods. Everything is turned into a valuable and enriching learning experience.

A balance between work and play is vital. This is especially true at a preschool level. The years from birth to about 5-years-old are said to be the most important in one’s life and one’s development. The right balance means a happier, well-adjusted and more able child. The two aspects of preschool can happen simultaneously throughout a child’s day – they do not need to be mutually exclusive. Learning can happen outside the classroom and playtime can happen inside the classroom!

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