Questions To Ask A Daycare Before Enrolling

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Many parents find enrolling their child into daycare for the first time as challenging.  No matter whether you’re a first-time parent, or you already have children in a regular daycare center, there are certain questions to ask before enrolling.

Asking the right questions gets you on the same page as the daycare center you choose. It also ensures that you, as the parent, have peace of mind when dropping your child off each day.

Read on for some suggestions of questions to ask as you make the best decision of daycare near you.

What Security Measures Are In Place?

A top priority for every parent is the safety of their children, which is why asking about a daycare’s security measures is an important detail to find out before you enroll. Do they have the means to identify who the correct parents or caregivers are upon pick-up and drop-off? Does the daycare keep children in a safe play area? For your peace of mind, ensure you’re comfortable with how the daycare functions from a safety perspective.

What Is Your Approach To Education?

Some daycares prioritize education as part of their daily routine. Children thrive off a routine, and play is a great way to teach them valuable skills. At Parkland Children’s Academy, we focus on a play-by-learning approach. Asking a daycare what their approach to education is will set your child up for success.

Do You Involve Family Members?

Children thrive in family-oriented spaces where uniqueness is welcome. If you value family, then ask your potential daycare what their approach is as far as including family members in the growth of their children.

Do they run special days which include the family? Events such as book fairs, Grandparents Day, class photos, fun Fridays, and graduation ceremonies can be a wonderful and fun element to bringing families together, and involve families in the life of the daycare.

What Measures Are In Place To Ensure The Health Of Children?

Looking after the health of children should be a top priority for a daycare. Encouraging a clean and healthy lifestyle is important for growing children. Ask your daycare center about how they maintain a health-conscious and safe environment.

Is There Transportation Available?

School buses are the safest transportation for school-going children, according to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Parkland Children’s Academy only uses buses to transport children. Ask a potential daycare how and when they transport children and decide on what you’re comfortable with.

Are There Any Scholarships Or Other Funding Options Available?

If funding is a concern for your family, it’s worth asking your daycare center about what preschool scholarships and other funding options are available.

Do You Have Summer Camp Classes?

Summer camps are a great way for children to continue learning, growing, socializing, and having fun throughout the school holidays.  Ask your daycare center about summer camps.

Parkland Children’s Academy Prioritizes Your Child’s Needs

At Parkland Children’s Academy, we prioritize learning by play, which is an excellent way to build a child’s confidence and nurture their development.

In the family-oriented environment at our school and daycare center, your child will be well looked after in every possible way.

Call us for more information and to enroll your child today at 954-688-5877.

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