As our daily lives continue to get back to normal slowly, the effects of Covid-19 remain prominent in many aspects. One field that has seen significant impacts and changes since the beginning of the pandemic is childcare. With 633,442 positive cases and 11,501 deaths in Florida alone, it is still crucial to take the proper precautions to avoid exposure and spread of Covid-19. Here the Parkland Children’s Academy discusses the different resources for childcare you should be aware of the keep your family safe.
Covid-19 & Child Care
As the debate to reopen and keep open schools for the new year rages on, it leaves many questioning how other childcare institutions were able to remain open throughout the height of the pandemic. To make a complicated decision short, the Florida Department of Health realized that working parents require access to safe childcare services. In fact, according to the 2018 Early Childhood Workforce Index by the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, 67% of children in Florida live in homes where all available parents must work to provide for their families. Though the need for proper childcare is apparent, it is even more vital to be aware of resources that adhere to Covid-19 safety measures.
Parkland Children’s Academy & Covid-19
We proudly adhere to all CDC recommended guidelines to provide the best care for your children in these confusing times and at all times. To make sure we comply with the latest requirements, we follow these rules:
At All Times
We understand the importance of discussing the signs and symptoms of illness with your children to ensure that they do their part to help prevent the spread of germs. To help, we always:
- Ask that students, faculty, and staff to stay home when they are sick or have a fever.
- We run smaller class sizes to help aid in social distancing
- Increase sanitation on high-touch areas such as desks, doorknobs, and counters.
- Practice safe social distancing while in classrooms.
- Limit or eliminate close-contact events and meetings.
- Establish an emergency plan in the chance of an outbreak.
- Continue to inform ourselves on the latest community, state, and countrywide developments.
During An Outbreak
While we never want to assume the worst, it is crucial that Parkland Children’s Academy has a sound plan in place in the chance that an outbreak occurs. To make sure we keep your children safe, our plan includes:
- Send home any student showing signs of illness or fever.
- Inform parents and guardians of potential exposure.
- Put the outbreak emergency plan into action.
- Stay connected with proper community outlets, such as health departments and hospitals.
Encouraging Students
While it may seem redundant, it is essential for children to be taught and updated on how to keep themselves safe at home and in childcare services or classrooms. At Parkland Children’s Academy, we encourage children by:
- Having hand cleaning and sanitizing stations readily available.
- Posting signs as visual cues to reinforce proper protocol.
- Ask students to inform their parents or guardians if they feel sick.
- Teach children adequate hand washing and mask techniques.
While things may seem as if they are returning to pre-pandemic conditions, we are not out of the woods yet. Though it may look a little different from last year, your children’s education still is of the utmost importance. The world of as we know it may have changed due to Covid-19, but Parkland Children’s Academy’s dedication to your child’s safety and education still is the same. While different schools will have different guidelines, we will always follow the CDC’s resources and procedures. If you have any questions about childcare during Covid-19 or about any of our outstanding educational opportunities, contact us today at (954)-688-5877!