School Readiness Tips For Those First Few Weeks Of Preschool

School Readiness Tips

Going to preschool can be an emotional time for both parents and children, but the following school readiness tips is something you can do to make sure your child’ venture to school goes easier.

How to Prepare for the Initial Steps of Preschool

Incorporate these steps below to ensure the first weeks of school isn’t too draining:

  • Get Excited About Going to Preschool

    Create a build-up. Don’t wait until the day or evening before to prepare for going to preschool. Try to make your little one excited to start or go back to preschool prior to the big day. Talk to them about how great it will be to see their teacher and friends. Get super excited about all the new things that they will see and learn. School readiness can be stressful, but if you as parents are excited about it your child will also look forward to their new adventure.

  • Establish a Routine

    Get your child into a morning routine before school starts – a week or so before the actual day is good. Remember to make it fun – buy a new alarm clock that makes a special sound or plays a song for your child to wake up to. If you prefer waking them up in the morning, you can sing their song or melody from a favorite television show.

    If you have a big family, establish who goes into the bathroom when as well – for example the one parent can go into the bathroom first, then the other parent along with the little one, or your child can go in alone after the parents if your child is able to get ready on their own.

    Also, create a special designated spot for your little ones’ morning essentials as well. If you don’t already have one, get a cute little bathroom caddy for their toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, facecloth and hand towel – it beats scrambling all over the bathroom for their essentials especially if you’re running late.

  • Have a Plan of Action in Place

    Make sure that their teacher has your number, and stock up on any medication and personal hygiene products that your child might need at school and at home. Do this so that you don’t have to rush to the store when your child is already at preschool.

  • Sort Out Lunch and Snacks Before the Time

    One thing that you might overlook is what to prepare them for lunch or snacks (if they are not provided by the preschool). It is a good idea to have their lunch and snacks already purchased for the week. Food that is healthy is always a great choice (whole-wheat biscuits, cheese, fruit, healthy sandwiches and dried fruit and nuts). You don’t what to be stressing out about what to put in their lunchbox the morning of the big day.

  • Stay Calm!

    Our energy affects our kids so if you’re flustered and stressed, your child will be too. Take it easy and keep a safe driving speed when driving them to school. Your child will also be a little stressed about going to school but if they see that you as the parent are calm and they will be too. When saying goodbye especially for the first few mornings, don’t cry in front of them or allow them to see that you’re sad (these feelings are normal just try to not let your child see them). Instead arrive a little earlier at school so that you can say goodbye in a happy and calm manner.

These are just some of the things that you as parent can do to make school readiness easier on you and your child. For more advice and help about preschool and easing your child through the process, give Parkland Children’s’ Academy a call we are a family orientated preschool in Parkland, Florida providing exceptional early childhood development.

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