Teaching Preschool Children About Veteran’s Day

Preschool Children

Veteran’s Day is remembered every 11th of November in the United States and serves to keep in remembrance all those who gave their service in the U.S Military. Veteran’s Day marks the end of World War I, when it ended at the 11th hour, on the 11th day, of the 11th month. Veteran’s Day was previously known as Armistice Day before 1954, and is different from Memorial Day which is observed in the month of May. Memorial Day honors soldiers who died while in Military service, while Veteran’s Day is more of a general giving of thanks to all those who served in the United States Military. Teaching preschool children about its importance can help them understand empathy towards others.

The Importance Of Veteran’s Day

As we move away from the 20th century, it is important for us to keep the importance of Veteran’s Day alive. Remembering days such as these, where selfless acts of bravery and sacrifice are honored, is especially important to our younger generation. It not only helps to carry the memory forward for future generation to come, but it also encourages a sense of selflessness and appreciation. Here are some great ways you can help your children to remember Veteran’s Day.

Ideas To Help Preschool Children Learn About Veteran’s Day

The idea of Veteran’s Day can be quite abstract and far away for a child to understand so keep things simple.

  • Talk

    That’s it, merely talking to your children or class about Veteran’s Day and what it means to be a soldier will go a long way in helping kids understand what Veteran’s Day is all about.

  • Get Involved

    Support a soldier while they are still at war by sending cards of encouragement, gift baskets and modern memorabilia. Find an organization such as Soldiers Angels to partner with and have the children come up with ideas as to what to put in the support baskets for the soldiers – this will be both creative and fulfilling.

  • Get Creative

    You can also choose to get creative and have children make thank you cards for soldiers who are serving overseas. Arrange a day where the children can make the thank you cards with paint, crayon and glitter, and arrange a class outing to a Veteran’s Day parade or memorial where they can give the cards to the soldiers.

  • Organize A Veteran’s Talk Day At Your Preschool

    If you know a soldier or veteran, or know someone who does, ask them if they can give a talk at the preschool about veterans, soldiers and Veteran’s Day in general. This will be a great way to get children to understand the meaning behind the day and also to see how important the day is.

  • Read With Your Children

    There are many books available at your local library and even online about Veteran’s Day, soldiers and their work. Select age appropriate books for your children and read these with them. This is a great way to help kids understand about Veteran’s Day as you can stop and ask questions, they can ask questions, and the class can have a talk about what they’ve learned afterwards. You can also incorporate poetry and songs.

Remembering an important day like Veteran’s Day every year with your children is a great opportunity for you to foster selflessness, appreciation and empathy. Be sure to observe Veteran’s Day this coming November with these easy preschool activities.

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